At the moment the only things here are character bios but as I think of things to say about the comic's world this is where they will go.

logo Name: Sari
Age:Literal:3 Months, Apparent:19 Years, Mental:12 Years-but learning fast
Species: Angel
Gender: Female
Description:Sari is an angel who has been recently placed on the Earth to complete a task, she doesn't know what it is yet. She has been living with Drasil and H.O.W. who were the first to find her when she came into the world with virtually no memories and only enough basic skills for her to survive.
logo Name: Drasil
Age:As old as humanity itself.
Species: Angel
Gender: Male
Description:Drasil has been on Earth longer than any other creature still living, except H.O.W. He was placed on Earth to help in the evacuation of humans when Armageden came, because of the drunkenness of his friend H.O.W. the need for his skills has yet to come up.
logo Name: The Hound Of War(H.O.W.)
Age:As old as humanity itself.
Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Description:H.O.W. was sent to Earth at the same time as Drasil so that he could prepare things for the demonic side of the battle when Armageden came. His final preparations are supposed to be made in the seconds before the turning of the millennium(any millennium, before or after Christ. Just because I'm using Christian mythology in my world doesn't mean I have to use it literally.) however H.O.W. has never been able to make those preparations because every New Year's Eve he is always flaming drunk so both the forces of Heaven and Hell are waiting until he can have a sober millennium.
logo Name: Strange Banana Stranger
Age:About a week, won't be long before he really starts to spoil.
Species: Banana
Gender: Male
Description:Strange Banana Stranger is a, now over ripe, banana dressed up in a cape. He can't move, talk, or think but has still managed to become a cult leader. Everyone is waiting to see what will happen to he cult when he finally rots away.
logo Name: Minions of The Banana
Species: Subhuman
Gender: Male
Description:The members of the Strange Banana Stranger are all tall, bald, pyromaniacs with no arms. Nothing else is known about them.
logo Name: Hempy the Happy Cat
Species: Domestic Cat
Gender: Male
Description:Hempy is almost always happy, no one knows why.
